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ID: 2131
Title: Prime Healthcare -Paradise valley Hospital -California
URL: http://www.paradisevalleyhospital.net/
Category: Health
Description: Paradise valley Hospital consists of 291-bed, acute care hospital offers a nationally acclaimed obstetrics program, a state-of-the-art 64-slice CT scanner, a renowned rehabilitation center.PVH is part of Prime Healthcare Services, of which Dr. Prem Reddy serves as chairman of the board. Paradise Valley Hospital was named as "100 Top Hospitals" in nation by the Truven Health Analytics and PVH offers 24-hour Emergency Services.
Meta Keywords: Prime healthcare, prime healthcare services
Meta Description: Paradise Valley Hospital is part of Prime Healthcare Services and it is the South Bay’s oldest hospital. PVH was named as "100 Top Hospitals" in nation by the Truven Health Analytics.
Pagerank: 4
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